My mom has always been a working woman ever since I was born and even before that. I don't know how we kids are different from kids of House wives but...surely there is always a subtle difference.
1. To begin with, we don't have our mom when we come home from school. Though I had a doting grandmother waiting to serve lunch when I was young meaning till the age of 10. Thereafter, I learnt how to warm my own food have it when I returned from School.
2. Didn't have the opoortunity to tell mom make this for me in the dabba today. As we innately knew mom was crunched for time and we had to make do with what we she prepared. Though a compromise, but slowly one learns how to manage things you like. For example, I liked sandwiches in my lunch I made sandwiches and took them...variety of them...
3. I have long hair till my knees, thus mom used to make my platt till 8th std. However, I had to wait till she got free & all..many times resulting in reaching school I learnt to make my own platt. By the time I was 13 most of the things were done quite independently compared to kids whose moms were at home...
4. Going on, I am mostly responsible for my Homework or assignments to be submitted on time as Mom would come by evening 6pm..sometimes even 7pm...that was kind of play time...& by 8pm was bed time...So one learns at an early stage that you have to be responsible for yourself and have to take charge of what you do...With this I don't mean I am cribbing or anything but These things have really helped me especially in my working career....As far as I remember no one used to even ask me if I had completed my work as it was silently agreed that I was responsible for my self...
5. Thereafter came my 10th, I would say mom was great in that year all supportive and used to ferry me across town for classes and then the amount of moral support she used to extend was commendable...Most parents get very cribby when their kid give their first board exam...However, mom was just the opposite...she used to say relax and give ur exams once ur prepared then just sit back and enjoy...I cleared my tenth with a distinction and went on to college...1st year of Commerce...
6. My mom has always been a friend ever since never felt her encroaching on me or trying to say am the parent or your wrong...she lets me learn through experience....she will wan me subtlely but not push it hard on me....And eventually I learn the lessons through experience...Maybe that comes through the positive attitude and exposure she has at her work place...I really admire her for that.
7. Then I moved onto complete my MBA, When I was in MBA i asked her for guidance as she had already guided my elder brother...she had complete faith in me and stood by me through every good and rough time....
8. Finally now I am working and her friendly support is always welcome....she is a great person who I adore for all the multi tasking and the wonderful person she is...And i can't say that I am spoilt or have been ever ignored an ounce despite her being working....she has steadily instilled values in me and also created an independent entity who can think and work on her own
6 years ago